Broken Barrel Staves and Hoops - Northumberland House Beechey Island

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Broken Barrel Staves and Hoops - Northumberland House Beechey Island

In 1875, 22 years after being built, Northumberland House was visited and described to be in a state of some advanced destruction thanks to bears that had broken in and taken anything of food value. An untouched rum cask indicated that it was not men who were responsible for this.

The intervening years, incessant wind and further breakage by freeze/thaw have reduced the house and its stores to little more than some scrap wood and metal.

Air temp: +3ºC Latitude: 74º43'N Longitude: 91º48'W

Photo; © Paul Ward - These are pictures from a cruise to the High Arctic in high summer, from Resolute Bay, Canada to Kangerlussuaq, Greenland.