Quick-Look, Overviews of Antarctic Topics, briefly annotated picture stories
A series of educational resources, short illustrated and captioned introductions to topics that are heavy on illustrations and light on captions. Ideal for younger students.
You can start at the thumbnails page with all pictures and captions or at the first page of the slideshow.
Each thumbnails page and the start of the slideshow can be reached by a QR code:
A QR (quick response) code is a simple way of connecting to a webpage. Use a QR Reader app on a smart phone or tablet, scan the code and with another click you are taken to the webpage.
A simple real world way of finding a specific web resource, these can be copied and pasted into any document and then printed as a worksheet, sticker etc. to make it easy for students to go exactly where you want them.
The Resources
Shackleton's Endurance Expedition
35 slides giving an account of Shackleton's Endurance Expedition of 1914-1917, the loss of the ship, escape from the ice and rescue.

Link to the first page of the
Shackleton Endurance
Expedition slide show
21 slides, pictures from the Heroic Age of Antarctic exploration to act as stimulus images for creative writing or for art. Each picture has a description of where it is from and a fictional diary entry to set the scene.

Link to the first page of the
Historical stimulus
pictures slide show.
15 slides introducing some of the animals that live in Antarctica.
15 slides about the ways that penguins of different species are adapted to live their lives in their Antarctic environment.

Link to the first page of the
Penguin Adaptations
slide show.