A Quick-Look at Ernest Shackleton's Endurance expedition - An illustrated account from the ship being stuck, sinking and then escape and rescue. 35 slides.
Shackleton Endurance Expedition
An illustrated overview -
more quick
A brief introduction to the story of Shackleton's
Endurance expedition from 1914-1917. 35 images
with simple captions and links to the larger picture
page as a slide-show.
The expedition in more detail here
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2 - Frank Wild in polar gear, a
studio portrait taken in England before he left with
Shackleton for Antarctica in 1914.

3 - Tom Crean on the ship Endurance with
some sledge dog pups born during the journey from England
to Antarctica.

4 - We tried sawing and axing a path out of the ice,
but it froze together again as fast as we could cut

6 - Our cameraman Frank Hurley climbed into the rigging
with his 36kg camera to film the ship in the ice.

8 - We had a close call when a huge iceberg passed nearby
carried in the pack-ice, we had
no way of avoiding it if it had headed towards us as
we too are stuck.

10 - We had side-splitting fun this evening.
Everyone had their hair cut close. Rickinson
had very handsome dark wavy hair and didn't want it
cut off, so he told Sir Ernest that he could cut it
if he would then let him cut his.

11 - Night watch on the ship is a lonely time, it is
good to get back to the Endurance
after my rounds of the ship and of the ice
near the ship in the winter night.

12 - Hurley photographed the ship in the long winter
night using 20 flashes, 27th of
August 1915. He half blinded himself, stumbled into
snow drifts and banged his shins in the process!

13 - Our ship Endurance in the middle of winter 1915,
stuck in the pack ice, we have had 24 hours of darkness
for months.

14 - In the winter night we keep the dogs
in "dogloos" on the sea-ice beside the ship, these
are kennels made of hard snow.

15 - A fright as moving ice pushed the Endurance over,
this time we were lucky as it came upright again, this
might not happen next time.

16 - The ship is slowly being crushed by the ice,
we salvage as many contents and materials as we can.

17 - The ship is dead, crushed and held in place
by the ice itself.

18 - Ocean Camp, we now live in a village of tents
and salvaged materials on the sea-ice far from land.

19 - Frank Hurley (left) and Ernest Shackleton (right)
camping on ice hundreds of miles from land after the
Endurance had sunk, 1915.

20 - Dog teams were sent out to find a way to reach
land over the rough sea ice, progress
was so slow as to be pointless.

23 - We set off to drag the boats to the edge of the
ice, 6 days we gave up on the idea
as as progress was so slow and exhausting.

24 - At night we pull the boats onto a raft of ice for
safety, and light a blubber fire
to warm frozen bodies.

25 - We try to stay together as far as we can, though
can't all go at the same speed, a mixture of ice floes
and bergs make the sailing dangerous.

26 - After five hard days and nights in the boats with
little water or food we have reached land on Elephant
Island, hot food at last, we have drank and eaten
all day.

27 - Launching the lifeboat James Caird from Elephant
Island. Shackleton and five others are setting out
to reach South Georgia 800 miles away across the stormiest
seas in the world to bring rescue.

28 - Waving goodbye to the rescue party, will we
see them again?

29 - We now live under two upturned boats, a place
we have called the "Snuggery" or the "Sty". It is 18
feet by 9 feet by 5 feet at the highest point, twenty-two
of us live in here.

32 - After 3 months on Elephant Island we are tired,
dirty, and hungry, we hope every day that we might
see a rescue ship sent by Shackleton.

33 - After 4 months and on his 4th try, Shackleton reaches
Elephant Island on a steam tug called "Yelcho".

34 - The "Yelcho" a steam tug lent to Shackleton
by the Chilean government to rescue his men.

35 - Rescued! - the men from Elephant Island safely
in Punta Arenas, southern Chile.

2 - Frank Wild in polar gear, a studio portrait taken in England before he left with Shackleton for Antarctica in 1914.

3 - Tom Crean on the ship Endurance with some sledge dog pups born during the journey from England to Antarctica.

4 - We tried sawing and axing a path out of the ice, but it froze together again as fast as we could cut it.

6 - Our cameraman Frank Hurley climbed into the rigging with his 36kg camera to film the ship in the ice.

8 - We had a close call when a huge iceberg passed nearby carried in the pack-ice, we had no way of avoiding it if it had headed towards us as we too are stuck.

10 - We had side-splitting fun this evening. Everyone had their hair cut close. Rickinson had very handsome dark wavy hair and didn't want it cut off, so he told Sir Ernest that he could cut it if he would then let him cut his.

11 - Night watch on the ship is a lonely time, it is good to get back to the Endurance after my rounds of the ship and of the ice near the ship in the winter night.

12 - Hurley photographed the ship in the long winter night using 20 flashes, 27th of August 1915. He half blinded himself, stumbled into snow drifts and banged his shins in the process!

13 - Our ship Endurance in the middle of winter 1915, stuck in the pack ice, we have had 24 hours of darkness for months.

14 - In the winter night we keep the dogs in "dogloos" on the sea-ice beside the ship, these are kennels made of hard snow.

15 - A fright as moving ice pushed the Endurance over, this time we were lucky as it came upright again, this might not happen next time.

16 - The ship is slowly being crushed by the ice, we salvage as many contents and materials as we can.

17 - The ship is dead, crushed and held in place by the ice itself.

18 - Ocean Camp, we now live in a village of tents and salvaged materials on the sea-ice far from land.

19 - Frank Hurley (left) and Ernest Shackleton (right) camping on ice hundreds of miles from land after the Endurance had sunk, 1915.

20 - Dog teams were sent out to find a way to reach land over the rough sea ice, progress was so slow as to be pointless.

23 - We set off to drag the boats to the edge of the ice, 6 days we gave up on the idea as as progress was so slow and exhausting.

24 - At night we pull the boats onto a raft of ice for safety, and light a blubber fire to warm frozen bodies.

25 - We try to stay together as far as we can, though can't all go at the same speed, a mixture of ice floes and bergs make the sailing dangerous.

26 - After five hard days and nights in the boats with little water or food we have reached land on Elephant Island, hot food at last, we have drank and eaten all day.

27 - Launching the lifeboat James Caird from Elephant Island. Shackleton and five others are setting out to reach South Georgia 800 miles away across the stormiest seas in the world to bring rescue.

28 - Waving goodbye to the rescue party, will we see them again?

29 - We now live under two upturned boats, a place we have called the "Snuggery" or the "Sty". It is 18 feet by 9 feet by 5 feet at the highest point, twenty-two of us live in here.

32 - After 3 months on Elephant Island we are tired, dirty, and hungry, we hope every day that we might see a rescue ship sent by Shackleton.

33 - After 4 months and on his 4th try, Shackleton reaches Elephant Island on a steam tug called "Yelcho".

34 - The "Yelcho" a steam tug lent to Shackleton by the Chilean government to rescue his men.

35 - Rescued! - the men from Elephant Island safely in Punta Arenas, southern Chile.