OAE's - Operation Deep Freeze
McMurdo - 77°50.88'S 166°40.10'E
- 1955 / 1958
Please register at the bottom of the page to include your details. Who runs Cool Antarctica?
Tom Baxa (1955-1956) - Barefoot Bay Fl.
Neal Bicknese (Bick) - (WO DF1 DF60/61 DF63/64) - Casper, Wyo Full Time RV I Wintered over all three times at McMurdo although I Spent the Summer a Byrd station in 63, Married my Wife of 52 Years in Sydney Aust. on the way home from DF1 Met her in CHCH On the way down.
John C.Burritt (1958-59) - Fleming Is. FL I was a Navy helicopter pilot on the USCSC Northwind for Deep Freeze IV in 1958 - 1959. We departed Port Lyttleton, NZ for McMurdo, escorting and cutting channels in the ice for supply ships going to McMurdo. One of the most interesting helo trips was taking Sir Raymond Priestley out to Hut Point to see Shackleton's and Scott's huts. We were able to go into Shackleton's hut. It was like going into a shrine. No one touched anything, we just left our name, outfit, and date on a piece of paper stuck on the wall. We were enthralled with Shackleton's stories of how it had taken him a week dogsleding to get to the hut. He was enthralled with the fact that we covered the same ground by air in about 20 minutes."
Campbell UD2 (Cape Adare - 1957/58) - Pa Looking for men servicing during DeepFreeze Operation II. I was stationed at Cape Adare and was on the ship Arneb when it was caught in the ice.
Robert Dean (Task force 43 - 1956, 1960) - Caldwell, Idaho email I served as a radioman on Adm Dufec's staff.
Roy Cloutier (Operation Deep Freeze Year/s 1961-1962) - Upstate New York Wintered over McMurdo Sound. Was in 1st class hut near the Chapel. Was then transferred to RM Advanced School in Bainbridge Maryland. Worked at the Radio center up the hill below the transmitter location. I just watched a new movie out about Antarctica. Could not believe the buildings and McMurdo Station? What happened to the Quonset Huts we lived in? It sure brought back many memories..
Gregory P Dowd (VX 6 Det Little America V, 1957-1958) - Easton USA - Deepfreeze III, wintered over. Flew the Otter and the R4d-5. Assigned as squadron photo officer.
Bill Fisher - McMurdo (1957-58) - Kalamazoo, Mi A great year to winter over. I was US Navy Radioman. Vivian (Bunny) Fuchs was knighted for his Antarctic crossing and I believe Sir Edmund Hillary presented Her Majesty's knighthood to him (flew in from Christchurch, did not winter over. My big, big boss was USN Admiral Dufeck. Turned 21 yrs while there. I was responsible for "cutting" teletype tapes for transmission later. I sincerely apologize to Sir Vivian Fuchs and ADM Dufeck for any typo's.
Trevor Grice (OP deep freeze Christchurch - 1967 to 1987) - Christchurch TF 06 364311 Secured a deck mounted generator for the Glacier which enabled the ship to complete its mission, before it was razor blades. When they returned to Christchurch under the command of Capt. Dick Taylor we put up a sign on the wharf which stated 'Its not sinbad the sailor, it is Taylor the sailor" to their great joy, They were wonderful years and i have lots of memories of other incidents. Warmest. Trevor Grice
David Grisez (McMurdo - 1955, 56, 57) - Logansport IN email Am trying to find if alive or dead these men of 56 winter over: R.F Ledvina J. M. McCoy J. Rooney W. R. Selman R. Streit.
James Leischner "Leish" (USS Edisto, Curtiss LA V - 55, 56, 57) - Cisco IL USA - ATCS USN retired, Baptist Preacher
Bill Miles (1963) - Woods Cross Utah - Operation Deep Freeze I believe He (Bill Miles, my half uncle) was with Admiral Byrd's second expedition to the South Pole.
Joe Morrow (1958) - USS Atkauss atka, currently Mineola, Tx
Ted Sherburne (Little America V, 1957-1958) - Durham NC email Wintered over 1957 worked with Haskell P Barrett, YNC Admin, Little America
Thomas J. Stearns (Deep Freeze 1968) - Cleveland, Mn. 56017 Hut mates were: Downs, Holland, Bostwick, Cloer, Keilty, Konkel, McIntyre, Pogue, Rudloff, Simonton, Thomas, Wade, Meyer, Powell, Hanson & Fine.
David Sweet (USS Arneb AKA-56, 59-60, 60-61) - The Villages FL. As an 18 year old kid, I joined the Navy to see the world....and I did!
Ron Tisue (1959) - Cincinnati, Ohio Interested in finding others who were wintering over during Operation Deep Freeze IV.
Pat B. Unger (Little America V - 1957) - USA, Melbourne Fla Med officer la v IGY Deepfreeze2. I also have photos of Unger island (I am an eponym)
The kitchen "tent" at McMurdo in
1955 where the food was prepared for our crew that was
constructing the base during Deep Freeze 1. Everyone
ate outside sitting on crates etc. during the initial
stages. I slept in a tent near to Scott's Hut Point
Picture courtesy
Ken Meyer (PH1-USNavy 53-58 MSgt USAF Ret. 58-73

Aerial view looking Southerly toward
McMurdo Base that was being constructed at the base
of Mt. Discovery during Deep Freeze 1 about Dec. 1955
. The faint dark triangle from the ice edge is the two
tractor trails that led from the cargo ships to the
base. The air strip runway is to far right near top
of picture.
Picture courtesy
Ken Meyer (PH1-USNavy 53-58 MSgt USAF Ret. 58-73
Trying to find...
To use this option, fill in the registration form,
but include your own name and email as a contact, requests kept
online approx. 2 years.
I'm sure I did this already...
every now and then I send out emails, a proportion of these
bounce back as "not found", often because it was a former work
email or an ISP that no longer exists, as there is no longer
any way to make contact I delete the record to keep things as
current as I can.
My dad
Airman Kelly Slone - Operation Deep Freeze 2
- 1956 to 1958 died when the C-124 Globemaster
hit a mountain in October 1958. Looking for information
about him and Operation Deep Freeze 2. Beverly Slone
Thompson email
Oct '22
My father
Clyde Willis
was a CPO at Quonset Point, Pautuxet River, VX-6, 1957 1958.
He designed a jacket patch for the squadron when I was
there in 6th grade. Anybody have a picture? Clyde Willis
Jr. Lake City.
Oct '19