British Imperial Antarctic Expedition
Pictures - page
Ernest Shackleton Nimrod - 1907-1909
The Nimrod Expedition | Crew of the Nimrod | Paintings | Photographs-1 Photographs-2
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Expedition members, most in cold weather
Top row, l-r: Marston, David, Mawson, Mackay,
Murray, Armytage, Roberts, Mackintosh.
Bottom row, l-r: 1st
3 unclear, Marshall. Joyce, Brocklehurst, Day, Priestley.

Eric Marshall, one of the four men on the South Pole attempt

The Nimrod in sea-ice

Route to the South Pole
Shackleton's second attempt to reach the South Pole after a previous journey with Scott some six years previously, on that attempt they came to within 480 miles of the pole, on this occasion they were just 97 miles away before turning back.

Camping on a glacier

A camp while travelling with Siberian ponies
Note the reindeer skin sleeping bags drying out on poles to the left.

Ponies pulling sledges

A rest stop with the ponies

Lifting equipment ashore to get stores from small boats brought in from the Nimrod anchored further out in deeper water.

Camping on a glacier with ponies

Eric Marshall, one of the four men on the South Pole attempt

Illustration, recovering the sledge from a fall

Shackleton's hut at Cape Royds
Some supplies were kept away from the hut to make sure all wasn't lost in case of fire.

The first ascent of Mount Erebus, March 1908
A team consisting of: T.W. Edgeworth David, Douglas Mawson, Sir Philip Brocklehurst, Alistair Mackay, Jameson Adams and Eric Marshall attempted the climb. All except Brocklehurst reached the summit crater at 3,794m (12,448 ft) on the 10th of March

The first ascent of Mount Erebus, 10th March 1908
Alistair Mackay, Eric Marshall, Jameson Adams and T.W. Edgeworth David at the summit crater at 3,794m (12,448 ft), Douglas Mawson taking the photograph