Douglas George Jeffrey (1885-1972)
Biographical notes
Lieutenant commander, Navigator and Magnetician
- Rowett Expedition Quest 1921-1922
Born: 23 September 1885
- son of
Pastor R Foster Jeffrey of 'Ardlui', Cyprus Park, Bloomfield,
(East) Belfast.
3 brothers: Leonard James, Ernest and Robert.
Douglas Jeffrey had been recruited by Shackleton and was aboard the Endurance in preparation for the Imperial Trans Antarctica Expedition that was shortly to depart when war broke out. In August 1914, the Endurance was at Southend when Shackleton after consulting with all the men offered the services of the ship and its crew to the war effort. A telegram was received very quickly from the British Admiralty that consisted of the single word "Proceed".
Jeffrey however made the difficult decision to leave the Endurance and return to the Royal Navy where he served with distinction for the whole of the wartime period.
He returned to serve with Shackleton again for the Quest expedition from 1921-22 as Navigator and Magnetician.
Postcards of pictures
taken on the Endurance in July 1914 prior to sailing in early
August, though Douglas Jeffrey chose to go to war rather than
sail with Shackleton.
Pictures - courtesy of Scott Pittenger
Sept 1898 - Dec 1899
Attended Campbell
College, Belfast.
Mercantile Marine - 6 years in square-rigged sail.
Certificate - served in Passenger, General, Cargo & Tank
Commanded merchant ships: SS Strathearn, SS Scottish
Borderer, SS Scottish Bard, MS Pamir.
1914 - 1918 - Great War
Served with RN
throughout WWI - Lieut-Commander, RNR.
Awarded DSO and Reserve
Decoration; Croix de Guerre; Order of White Eagle of Serbia;
Order of St George of Russia.
1924 - 1939
Served with New England Oil
Corporation of Boston.
Marine Superintendent in USA, Venezuela
and West Indies.
Lago Petroleum Corporation, Venezuela -
Transportation Superintendent.
Pantepec Oil Company and Paraguana
Maritime Company.
Hydrographic Survey of Paraguana Coast
and Political Agent in Caracas.
On return from South America
in March 1928 newspaper work for New York Times
and North American Newspaper Alliance.
Representative of
Mohawk Aircraft Corporation for Mid-Western States.
Adviser (Navigation) and lectuirer to Aviation & Transportation
Inc, Chicago.
Contributed to American magazine Aeronautics
and Air Travel News.
Manager, Border Cities Aero Club and 'Dominion'
School of Aeronautics, Windsor, Ontario.
Field Engineer and
Toronto representative, Border Properties Ltd.
Editor, Canadian
Air Review.
Staff of Canadian Power Boating.
Radio and
newspaper freelance, Toronto.
Contributed to Sports Weekly,
Toronto Saturday Night.
Radio talks on CBC network.
Halifax Chronicle.
Columnist and Assistant Editor, Halifax
Department of Northern Development (Ontario), Trans-Canada
Department of National Defence, Canada.
of Youth Labour Camps.
Organising Secretary, Lanark Constituency
Unionist Association: Damhill Lodge, Corehouse, Lanark
1939 - 1945 - Second World War
in Royal Canadian Navy.
Commanded: HM Torpedo Boat 050, HMS
Thorn, HMS Chagford (Q ship), HMS Gossamer, HMS Hollyhock, HMS
Daffodil, HMCS Renard, HMCS Ville de Quebec, HMCS Hamilton,
HMCS Tame, HMCS Lauzon.
1939 - 1947 - Staff appointments
Chief Examination Officer, Halifax, NS.
Deputy Senior Officer,
Assault Group 'W.1'.
Assistant to Staff Officer, 'Q'
to East Indies.
Naval Control Service Officer, Netherlands
East Indies.
Canadian Naval Mission, London.
on Retirement List RCN (R), March 1947.
Died 23 March 1972.
From Jenny Rowney, great niece of Douglas Jeffrey.
My great uncle Douglas actually had three brothers ,Leonard, Ernest and my Grandfather Robert Jeffrey.
As far as I know only my Grandfather produced a male heir hence my Dad who was named after my Great uncle to became another Douglas Jeffrey. My Grandfather was killed in the second world war so I never knew him. My Dad produced three daughters one being me.
My Great Uncle Douglas I do remember and the last time we met up was when I was Married and living in Queensferry in Scotland as my husband was on mine sweepers up there. He was very keen to see my son who although not a Jeffrey was the next male in the line as I had taken on my husband's surname. I was very young and did not appreciate the amazing life that he had achieved. Even then (1963 ) he was private secretary to Sir Alex Douglas Hume who was the prime minister then.
My great uncle had promised that my Dad would inherit his medals but by the time my Dad got to his house someone had already taken them. My Dad did find the miniature ones plus the tin Quest mug (which he kept in the bathroom with toothpaste in so a bit rusty) and the Dolphin bell which my uncle had in his cabin. All three which I now have and pictured in this email. Hopefully my sons or grandchildren will treasure them when I have gone as they mean so much to me. So far I have not managed to find out what all the medals were for that he had awarded to him some quite strange and of cause the polar medal is there.
Hope these notes are of interest Jenny Rowney (nee Jeffrey)
Biographical information
- I am concentrating on the Polar experiences of the men involved.
Any further information or pictures visitors may have will be gratefully received.
Please email
- Paul Ward, webmaster.
What are the chances that my ancestor was an unsung part of the Heroic Age
of Antarctic Exploration?