Along the Loire by ANNE BAUDEQUIN2374.52 USD
|  April 11, Massif du Mezenc, Valley of Aubepin by ANNE BAUDEQUIN1135.64 USD
 April 12, Massif du Mezenc, farm by ANNE BAUDEQUIN1238.88 USD
|  April 14, morning mists on the Loire valley by ANNE BAUDEQUIN1651.84 USD
 April 17, Roches de Mariol, a glimpse of sun on grey sky by ANNE BAUDEQUIN722.68 USD
|  April 17, Saint Vicent, meadow by ANNE BAUDEQUIN619.44 USD
 April 18, Roches de Mariol, evening light by ANNE BAUDEQUIN1135.64 USD
|  April 18, Roches de Mariol, mists by ANNE BAUDEQUIN1548.60 USD
 At the edge of the river by ANNE BAUDEQUIN1445.36 USD
|  August 20, Roches de Mariol, sunset by ANNE BAUDEQUIN1961.56 USD
 August 21, the Loire river, evening light by ANNE BAUDEQUIN1445.36 USD
|  Ault, white cliffs by ANNE BAUDEQUIN1445.36 USD
 Clouds above the beach, Batz-sur-mer by ANNE BAUDEQUIN3510.16 USD
|  Clouds above the Mountains by ANNE BAUDEQUIN1961.56 USD
 Clouds above the sand dunes by ANNE BAUDEQUIN3510.16 USD
|  Clouds over the mountains by ANNE BAUDEQUIN3510.16 USD
 Clouds over the sea by ANNE BAUDEQUIN2374.52 USD
|  Clouds over the sea, morning light by ANNE BAUDEQUIN1961.56 USD
 Clouds over the sea, morning sun by ANNE BAUDEQUIN1961.56 USD
|  Clouds, Mezenc mountain range by ANNE BAUDEQUIN2374.52 USD
 December 11, Snowy path in Mezenc by ANNE BAUDEQUIN929.16 USD
|  Evening clouds above the Roches de Mariol by ANNE BAUDEQUIN4645.80 USD
 February 13, cloud over the mountain, sunset by ANNE BAUDEQUIN722.68 USD
|  February 2, clouds above the Mont Mariol by ANNE BAUDEQUIN2684.24 USD
 February 2, Roches de Mariol, morning sun by ANNE BAUDEQUIN536.85 USD
|  February 23, evening light by ANNE BAUDEQUIN722.68 USD
 February 24, Roches de Mariol, evening light by ANNE BAUDEQUIN1755.08 USD
|  February 25, country lane, morning light by ANNE BAUDEQUIN722.68 USD
 February 25, glimpse of sun on the Loire valley by ANNE BAUDEQUIN1651.84 USD
|  February 27, Roches de Mariol, break through the clouds by ANNE BAUDEQUIN1342.12 USD
 Forest river by ANNE BAUDEQUIN2374.52 USD
|  January 19, snow on the Monts du Velay by ANNE BAUDEQUIN929.16 USD
 January 27, Suc de Ceneuil, triptych by ANNE BAUDEQUIN2477.76 USD
|  January 30, Roches de Mariol, grey sky by ANNE BAUDEQUIN722.68 USD
 July 4, Roches de Mariols, after the thunderstorm by ANNE BAUDEQUIN722.68 USD
|  June 6, clouds over the mount Jalore by ANNE BAUDEQUIN2374.52 USD
 June, clouds, mount Jalore by ANNE BAUDEQUIN3510.16 USD
|  Limes and mango in an earthenware dish, jam jars by ANNE BAUDEQUIN619.44 USD
 March 17, Roches de Mariol by ANNE BAUDEQUIN1961.56 USD
|  May 10, Glavenas, meadows by ANNE BAUDEQUIN1548.60 USD
 May 21, on the banks of the Sumene by ANNE BAUDEQUIN619.44 USD
|  May 25, Roches de Mariol, break through the clouds by ANNE BAUDEQUIN1548.60 USD
 May 30, the Loire in Goudet by ANNE BAUDEQUIN1445.36 USD
|  May 9, along the Loire river by ANNE BAUDEQUIN1445.36 USD
 Morning sun on the snowy Mezenc mountains by ANNE BAUDEQUIN4645.80 USD
|  November 19, break through the clouds on the Loire valley by ANNE BAUDEQUIN1651.84 USD
 October 12, Massif du Mezenc by ANNE BAUDEQUIN722.68 USD
|  October 21, mists on the Loire by ANNE BAUDEQUIN1548.60 USD
 October 24, country lane in Saint Vincent by ANNE BAUDEQUIN1445.36 USD
|  October 26, Ceneuil mountain by ANNE BAUDEQUIN1445.36 USD
 October 5, Sucs de Malley, dusk by ANNE BAUDEQUIN1755.08 USD
|  Path in the snow, Saint Julien du Pinet by ANNE BAUDEQUIN3510.16 USD
 Path through the woods by ANNE BAUDEQUIN3510.16 USD
|  Pen Hat beach, evening light by ANNE BAUDEQUIN1961.56 USD
 Pointe de Kerroux, morning light by ANNE BAUDEQUIN3510.16 USD
|  Pond in winter by ANNE BAUDEQUIN1445.36 USD
 Rocks in the river by ANNE BAUDEQUIN1445.36 USD
|  Rocks on the banks of the Loire by ANNE BAUDEQUIN1135.64 USD
 September 10, pine above the valley by ANNE BAUDEQUIN2374.52 USD
|  September 13, cows at the Mont gerbier de Jonc by ANNE BAUDEQUIN1445.36 USD
 September 6, Loire Valley, morning mist by ANNE BAUDEQUIN1961.56 USD
|  Snow on the mountain, sunset by ANNE BAUDEQUIN1858.32 USD
 Summer clouds, Mezenc massif by ANNE BAUDEQUIN1445.36 USD
|  Sunrise over the mountains II by ANNE BAUDEQUIN671.06 USD
 Sunset over the mountains by ANNE BAUDEQUIN2374.52 USD
|  Sunset over the Mountains by ANNE BAUDEQUIN671.06 USD
 The river of stones by ANNE BAUDEQUIN9911.04 USD
|  The Sumene after the storm by ANNE BAUDEQUIN2374.52 USD
 The Sumene, through rocks by ANNE BAUDEQUIN1445.36 USD
|  Trees by the river by ANNE BAUDEQUIN3510.16 USD
 Velay mountains, evening by ANNE BAUDEQUIN671.06 USD