Summer work starts
Philip K Swartz - 1960-61 - South Pole Station - Antarcticans Database Project
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Digging out a D8 (the mound on the left.) These tractors were too large to store in the garage area. We had to dig them out of the snow, heat them for several days with portable Herman-Nelson heaters, and then they could be started. Once started, they were kept running 24 hours/day for the entire season.
Shortly after the start of the summer season, one of the D8s began making serious noises and the oil pressure dropped. It was turned off. Some days later a special crew of mechanics was flown in. The tractor was re-started so they could hear the noises, and it promptly threw a rod totally disabling the machine. There was no equipment on the station large enough to handle the engine for repairs and so it remained out of use for the summer. I am told that the following summer additional equipment was flown in and the tractor repaired.
Pictures from Philip K Swartz, overwinter, South Pole, 60-61