64°46.50'S 064°03.07'E occupied since 1965
75°55'S 84°55'W established 1969, summer only from 1985 to closure
in 1988

Above - Lawrence M Gould at Palmer Station on the Antarctic Peninsula in 2010
Right - Palmer station residents use their red parkas to say Hi to a plane flying over.
Palmer pictures 1972-74 - Ralph Lewis
Siple pictures 1985-87 - Jim Logan
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Palmer Station
David Blaine (1992, 1993, 2008, 2009) - Camp Arifjan Kuwait I wintered over in 92-93 (Frozen Chosen) then I wintered again in 2008 at Palmer Station and Summered in McMurdo in 2009. Currently in Kuwait until 2015.
David M Bresnahan (McMurdo, South Pole, Palmer - 1967-2007) - Worked in the US Arctic Program for forty years. Currently working as Antarctic Expedition Leader for Holland America.
John Clampet (CBU 201, 1968) - Miford - Spent 2 seasons at Palmer 68/69, 69/70. Worked for ASA and Raytheon at McMurdo from 96 to 2008. Miss all the great people.
Allen Cull (1979) - Antelope CA Love to here from OAE's.. I'd like to share old stories and hear ( or make up) new ones...
Ed Davis (1969) - Telford, Pa
John Da Wolf Wolfe (McMurdo, Palmer, Hero - 1972) - Green Bay WI Winter over 71-72 at the Transmitter site with Butch Crandall (deceased), John Porter and Terry Nichols. Helped set up WASA radio station and was one of the DJ's through the winter. Married Bob May's (YN1) stepdaughter. Wintered at Palmer in 81 and was the radio operator on the R/V Hero in 82.
Vic McCord (1978 to 1981) - Shelby NC, USA I was originally hired for Palmer station but wound up doing Darwin Glacier field camp 1978-1979. Ellsworth field camp 1979-1980 and Siple field camp 1980-1981.
Scott Mosher (McMurdo - 2007) - Scituate MA, Started at McM WinFly 2007 - worked McMurdo, Pole and Palmer from then until at least 2016 (and counting...)
Joe Pettit (McMurdo and Palmer - 1990 through 2016 seasons) - Longmont Colorado USA . Twenty five seasons in Antarctica and counting, including six winters. Spent time at McMurdo and Palmer Stations in a variety of great jobs.
Elizabeth Slizz Linsey (McMurdo 85 to 94 and Palmer w/o 92) - Aberdeen North Carolina Loved my time on the ice. Love to hear from ice friends.
Brent S Stewart (McMurdo, Palmer Station, USCG Glacier, USCG Polar Star, USCG Polar Sea, RV Nathaniel B Palmer, RVIB Oden, Marion Island Research Base, 1985 - 2016) - San Diego California USA
James N. (Jim) Turner (1966-1968) - Townville SC I went through Basic Training beginning April 29, 1966 at Dacusville, RI. My first deployment was with a 25 man team to a location on Palmer Peninsula in December of 1966. There we set up a camp and cleared an area for the Station, built a Dock, 2 Fuel Oil Tanks, a water intake structure and the foundation for the Research Building. We returned to the States in April, 1967. I deployed again in December of 1967 with about the same number of SeaBees and built a three Story Research facility returning home in April 1968.
Siple Station
Vince B (Summer 1987) - Martinsburg WV. Heavy Equipment Operator.
Jeff Down (1981) - Bellingham WA My brother, Ken Down, also spent two summers at Siple (1980, 1982) one of which was during the rocket program. We had both worked for the Stanford Radioscience Lab in High School. John Katsufrakis was a PI on the Stanford VLF Group at Siple.
Lee Larson
(Siple - 78-86) - Washington DC - Summer 78 doing decontamination on the PM3A, wintered 82-83 and 85-86 at Siple. Wintered as an HMC retired as HMCM/CMDCM.Vic McCord (1978 to 1981) - Shelby
I was originally hired for Palmer station but wound up doing Darwin Glacier
field camp 1978-1979. Ellsworth field camp 1979-1980 and Siple
field camp 1980-1981.
Michael McHenry (1982-1983) - Sunnyvale CA. Wintered over as the cook with Jay Klink as Station Manager, Russ Magzig Mechanic, Lee Larson Medic, Sheldon Blackmen, Radio and 3 scientists David, John and Ian that I did a mid-winter camp out with and man it was cold!
Matt Myers (South Pole Station, Winter Over 1985-1986, Siple summer 1987) - Calais Wintered at Pole in 85-86; summer at Siple in 86; Senior Materials person - Cargo!
Leonard Paine
(CS-2/CS-1 cookie Base or ship NMCB 71. NSFA 72, 73, 74, WO 79) - email Rustburg. It is possible that I am the only cook/baker to be the head cook at each station i was assigned to on the ice. Siple 72/73, South pole 73/74 and W/O 79.those were the best jobs i probably ever had.Mike Whelan PA 9 (Siple Station One 1978) - Jupiter Fl. Was an exciting/boring experience. 80 reel to reel movies. MARS radio to the states. Reel to reel audio tapes from Stanford. At times walking on the surface in June and July and looking at the moon at midday, we felt like we were actually on the moon and looking back at the earth, especially when communications were down. Would not trade the experience for anything.
Michael Zachary (NMCB 71, Years: 1971, 1972, 1973) - Mill Creek, WA email Ltjg Officer in charge of Siple Station Construction DF71 and the South Pole Dome and Wonderarch construction DF72
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I'm sure I did this already... every now and then I send out emails, a proportion of these bounce back as "not found", often because it was a former work email or an ISP that no longer exists, as there is no longer any way to make contact I delete the record to keep things as current as I can.