OAE's - McMurdo Base - 1990's
77°50.88'S 166°40.10'E
occupied since 1955 - This page - 1990's

McMurdo Base on November 30th 2008 - click here to see a larger image you can zoom around. - Image Ross Swick.
McMurdo pictures from OAE's
1961 - Larry Johnson
Greg Albert (Beardmore South Camp 1990-91) - Belmont, MS AG2 Upper-Air supervisor and assistant forecaster. Worked in ops. Went to Beadmore to open it up with Mike Dera and crew for about 8 weeks.
Dan Aldous (1995,1996, 1997) - Idaho
Kirk Alexander - Capt. Kirk (McMurdo - 1990-91 winter over, summer 1992) - Suffolk Va Was the station welder dorm 208 2nd floor we had the window bar :) anyone out there remember love to chat.
Tim Anderson (92 and 96 Winter Over) - Yokosuka, Japan email Retired from the US Navy in 2007. Went back to work for the US Navy as a civilian. I'm now in Yokosuka, Japan.
David Blaine (1992, 1993, 2008, 2009) - Camp Arifjan Kuwait I wintered over in 92-93 (Frozen Chosen) then I wintered again in 2008 at Palmer Station and Summered in McMurdo in 2009. Currently in Kuwait until 2015.
Roger Bridges (1990) - Loganville REX Dennis Glean SAY HAY
Tiffany Burton (1991-1995) - San Diego, CA I have the most wonderful memories from my time in Antarctica. I worked as a SK2 most times on the PAD...
Kristy Carney (McMurdo, 1997 to present and still counting plus 1 winter 2005) - Littleton, Colorado Started off working in the Skua Deli, and then in Fleetops, The South Pole Traverse, and science traverse (WISSARD) as a heavy equipment operator.
John Clampet (CBU 201, 1968) - Miford - Spent 2 seasons at Palmer 68/69, 69/70. Worked for ASA and Raytheon at McMurdo from 96 to 2008. Miss all the great people.
Chuck Davidson (Byrd Surface Camp, McMurdo - Byrd 88-89 McMurdo 95-96) - Mt. Pleasant, SC Have very fond memories of my Byrd Surface Camp summer over in 88-89 and the W/O in McTown in 95-96.
Jami Davis (McMurdo - 1997-2005) - Olathe Kansas USA Wintered over with NSFA 1997 Wintered over as a civilian 2002 with SPAWAR.
M. Davis (McM/Siple/Willy/Byrd/SP - 79/80 80/81 81/82 91 thru 96) - Vanc, WA Construction Electrical Foreman for: Holmes & Narver / ITT / ASA
Sean Dougherty (McMurdo - 90/91, Winterover Season) - Churchville, Pennsylvania
Mikell Dyer (McMurdo - 1993, 1994) - Cherokee NC USA Oct 1993 -Oct 1994 Maintained the McMurdo fiber optics computer network. MWR P/T employee volleyball referee was the winter over volunteer chaplain . Had a 2 hour McMurdo radio program each Sunday afternoon playing Christian music.
Christopher Erb (1994-1996, 1997-1998) - St Louis, Mo Looking for friends of my time on ice!!!
Brent Falla (McMurdo Station, 1990, 1991) - Murrieta CA email Enjoyed my year on the ice. Wouldn’t mind going back again.
George M. Gagan "GeoStorm" (1992) - Fairborn, OH
Richard Gabrisch (1990 to 1993 McMurdo, 1993 to 1994 Nathaniel B Palmer) - Bailey CO email
Mike Gillis BUC (91-92) - Long Beach, Mississippi - Best duty station ever! Hope to hear back from those who served during Winter-Over 91-92.
Jason Gilmer (McMurdo - 1992-93) - Augusta MI DC2/USN Winter over 92-93 In the Firehouse.
Nancy Hannah (1996-2001) - Grand Rapids, Minn.
Roy Harrison (McMurdo station - 1987-1989, wintered 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996) - Charlottesville Virginia Worked at the MEC, Heavy Shop then back to the MEC. Was helo'd to Byrd Surface camp, Dry Valleys, Black Island and Lake Hoare to work on generators. Good times for the most part. Still have a dream about the Ice every month or so.
Tom Hoog aka Joeguy ('91 and Oct 92 - Oct93) - Reno, Nevada Looking for anyone who remembers me from winter over 91 or the year I spent 92 to 93
Bob "Space-Puppy" Horneij (W/O 1989-1990) - Nashville, TN Loved being stationed in McMurdo for winter Over 89-90. Can't explain it in words when I try to tell someone about the experience. They mostly think I was crazy to volunteer to go there! :)
Drew Howat (McMurdo Station, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, WO 1992) - Hokitika New Zealand email I want to find WO Norm Creel, USN. McMurdo medic WO 1992
Robert Japp (1991) - Mexicali, Mexico
Darryn Johnson (McMurdo - Summer 1990, 91) - Hong Kong, New Zealand email Fisher Catering team Played in every activity from the Penguin Bowl to football in hanger Cooked a deep sea trout for Christmas dinner.
Richard Jarvis (1995) - Allen, TX
Peter van Kampen (PvK) (1990) - Switzerland Down in Antarctica with the NZ Huey crew (Aircraft tech at McMurdo). Actually trying to locate "Mouse" from VXE-6 and Point Mugu Ca. 20 years on.
Al Kauffman (McMurdo - 1993-1996) - Leesburg, Florida Three Summer Supports as a Weather Forecaster (AG1)
RM1 RMC Cheryl Perez King (McMurdo - 1989, 1990 Winter Over Crew) - Maine email Retired in 1996 as E8, went on to serve in the Veterans Administration as a Social Worker. I have such fond memories of Antarctica! It was an adventure of a lifetime.
Ben Koontz (1993, 1994, 1995) - Perry, Utah Worked in Waste Management, Equipment ops and warehouse. loved my time at McMurdo especially both winters I spent there.
Gary 'Doc' Krinberg (1995 and 1996) - Alexandria VA - email Served summer '95-96 as USN Diving support at several different locations in the field; ice shelf and on the continent.
Thomas Learned (McMurdo - 86-99) - Houston TX Ironworker on 206, 207, Crary. Antenna Rigger, Construction Coordinator. It was all good.
Christopher Liljenstolpe (McMurdo 1996-98) - San Francisco, US
Elizabeth Slizz Linsey (McMurdo 85 to 94 and Palmer w/o 92) - Aberdeen North Carolina Loved my time on the ice. Love to hear from ice friends.
Kathryn C Loyd (McMurdo - 1991, 1992, 1993) - Thornton co email
Robin Lovato (McMurdo 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2004) - Golden, Colorado Crary Lab Administrative Coordinator.
Art Manke (usn-seabees, McMurdo 1990) - Jackson, Michigan - email 36th winterover crew Feb. 91 thru Oct 91, cargo hill rehab and ice pier reconstruction thru the winter. any thoughts or questions please contact me
Ed Matheson - Mister Ed (1989,1990,1991) - Portland, Or. US of A I flew in on the 1st C-5 flight into The Ice in 1989, spent 3 summers working out of the MEC as a science support mechanic. Flew out to remote camps many times and thoroughly enjoyed the experience. Got out to several of the historic hut sites, the Dry Valleys, and made the tourist turnaround to the South Pole Station. Was bestowed with the honor of Mr. Icestock for the endurance I displayed moshing with the best of them...My brother Don, followed my lead, and worked the Heavy Shop and as machinist from '90 to '92. Good times...
HMC (SW/FMF) Craig "Doc" McLain (W/O 96-97) - currently on USS PORTER (DDG 78). Last active duty group to W/O Operation Deep Freeze 96-97 - email available
Matthew The Connection Mikesell (1991) - Pittsburgh PA I wintered over 1991/92.
Brian "Doc" Newhouse (McMurdo and Byrd Surface Camp, 1994-95) - Florida USN Corpsman, cross trained with the AG's at Mac Weather and the Ice Runway before going to Byrd. First in last out at Byrd in 1994-95. Great bunch of guys and gals, Would love to go back.
Michelle McOmie (SK2) (NSFA - 1989 to 1993 Summer Support, 4 Deployments) - Hastings MN Spent 4 Summer Seasons in McMurdo, working the supply chain (GSK, Cold Storage, Gas Bottle yard, Haz. warehouse). Many fun times were had by all. I am lucky to have been apart of it!
Tony Medellin (Point Mugu Ca. McMurdo Station 1995 to 1999) - Longview, Texas I am still in contact with Eddie Martens.
Tom O'Brien (McMurdo Station, 1989 - 1990) - Gulfport MS, email 34th Winter Over crew. Oct 1998 to Oct 1990. 1st year they cut the Seabees down to a handful. Just 2 CM’s, 3 EO’s, 1 EA, and 1 BU Chief. No CE’s or UT’s that I can remember that Wintered Over with us. Big almost fatal accident with Laura going through the ice in a dozer, but thank god she escaped and made it back to the surface. If you do not remember me I ran the ham shack during the Winter Over time.
Mike Osterhouse (1983, 1997, 1998) - Elizabeth City, NC Worked in the weather office
Steven Peters (MacTown - 1990, 1991) - Orlando - Summer '90 and Winter '91 Heavy Shop Machinist.
Joe Pettit (McMurdo and Palmer - 1990 through 2016 seasons) - Longmont Colorado USA - Twenty five seasons in Antarctica and counting, including six winters. Spent time at McMurdo and Palmer Stations in a variety of great jobs.
Eric Pivin (McMurdo - 91, 92) - Honolulu Hi email Winterover
Russell Reeves (VXE6, 1989 thru 1993) - Waupaca Wisconsin, 89-90 at Williams field at "Daltons Dinner" then in McMurdo 90-91, Byrd Surface Camp 91-92 Christchurch 93 MS3-MS2 Great memories! Retired with NMCB-25 Oct 2015
Jeff Rozlog (88-89 and 91-92 winter) - Beach City Ohio
Shona Smith nee Hastie (McMurdo - 89 to 94) - Brisbane, Australia I worked/lived in MacTown a number of Summer/Winfly seasons as well as a Winter-over.
Roger Stevens EO (McMurdo 1981thru 1985 and 1993) - North Charleston
Brent S Stewart (McMurdo, Palmer Station, USCG Glacier, USCG Polar Star, USCG Polar Sea, RV Nathaniel B Palmer, RVIB Oden, Marion Island Research Base, 1985 - 2016) - San Diego California USA
Rudi Stewart (McMurdo and South Pole - 1991, 1992, 1993) - Leominster - I would love to hear from anyone who was there.
James Stine (McMurdo + South Pole - 1989, 1990, 1992, 1994) - Prior Lake, MN, USA Very nice site, makes me home sick. Enjoyed the pictures of New Pole but seeing the dismantling of the old entrance and power plant (My home while there, so to speak) saddened me.
Brian Van Dyke (McMurdo - 90-91 winterover) - Waterloo Iowa Was a great time. something most people have never done.
Bill Watson (1994) - Traverse city Michigan email Winter over 1994 worked as a g.a. with u.t's lost contact with all
Karen Weaver - married Name Karen Lavery (McMurdo, 1991, 1995 Summer Support) - Okemos email I have only great memories of my time spent with Operation Deep Freeze, Antarctica.
Bob Wiles, I remember the -120 mid-winter air drop! Frekkin cold!! Fresh fruit!! That was great! Contact me!!
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now and then I send out emails, a proportion of these bounce
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work email or an ISP that no longer exists, as there is no longer
any way to make contact I delete the record to keep things as
current as I can..