South Pole Station
Antarcticans Database Project
Alan Light - 2007-2008 - thumbs
3 South Pole Dome
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2 ITASE Traverse -
4 Elevated South Pole Station -
5 Vehicles, South Pole Traverse
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Progress on the Arch and the cargo and logistics facility - 1

Progress on the Arch and the cargo and logistics facility - 2

Progress on the cargo and logistics facility

Progress on the cargo and logistics facility

Progress on the cargo and logistics facility

Progress on the middle arch

Progress on upfitting the middle arch

Progress on Upfitting the Middle Arch - Manlift In Use

Race Around The World - Christmas Day 2007 - 1

Race Around The World - Christmas Day 2007 - 2

Race Around The World - Christmas Day 2007 - 3

Race Around The World - Christmas Day 2007 - 4

Race Around The World - Christmas Day 2007 - 5

Race Around The World - Christmas Day 2007 - 6

Race Around The World - Christmas Day 2007 - 7

RF building (satellite communications)


Sewer Outfall for Summer Camp - 1

Sewer Outfall for Summer Camp - 2

Sewer Outfall for Summer Camp - 3

Snow sculpture: a couch - 1

Snow sculpture: a couch - 2

Snow Sculptures at the South Pole - 1

Snow Sculptures at the South Pole - 2

Solar Halo over Summer Camp

South Pole Buildings

South Pole Dome

South Pole Dome

South Pole Dome - "Crossroads" right inside the old entrance

South Pole Dome - and Construction Area

South Pole Dome - Demolition of the Old Entrance - 1

South Pole Dome - Demolition of the Old Entrance - 2

South Pole Dome - Demolition of the Old Entrance - 3

South Pole Dome - Demolition of the Old Entrance - 4

South Pole Dome - Demolition of the Old Entrance - 5

South Pole Dome - Entrance

South Pole Dome - Entrance

South Pole Dome - Inside the Dome

South Pole Dome - Looking out Through the Dome's Entrance Tunnel

South Pole Dome - Lowering The Flag - 1

South Pole Dome - Lowering The Flag - 2

South Pole Dome - Lowering The Flag - 3

South Pole Dome - Sun and Clouds

South Pole Dome - View from Arch Construction Area

South Pole Dome and Arch being refitted

South Pole Dome and Sun Dogs
All pictures on this page copyright of Alan Light - these pictures are in the public domain