South Pole Station
Antarcticans Database Project
Alan Light - 2007-2008 - thumbs
2 ITASE Traverse
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3 South Pole Dome -
4 Elevated South Pole Station -
5 Vehicles, South Pole Traverse
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Christmas at the South Pole

ITASE Traverse - 01

ITASE Traverse - 02

ITASE Traverse - 03

ITASE Traverse - 04

ITASE Traverse - 05

ITASE Traverse - 06

ITASE Traverse - 07

ITASE Traverse - 08

ITASE Traverse - 09

ITASE Traverse - 10

ITASE Traverse - 11

ITASE Traverse - 12

ITASE Traverse - 13

ITASE Traverse - 14

ITASE Traverse - 15

ITASE Traverse - 16

ITASE Traverse - 17

ITASE Traverse - 18

ITASE Traverse - 19

ITASE Traverse - 20

ITASE Traverse - 21

ITASE Traverse - 22

ITASE Traverse - 23

ITASE Traverse - 24

ITASE Traverse -25

ITASE Traverse -26

ITASE Traverse -27

ITASE Traverse -28

ITASE Traverse -29

ITASE Traverse -30

MAPO - the Martin A. Pomerantz Observatory

MAPO - the Martin A. Pomerantz Observatory

Moving the Ceremonial Pole and the 12 flags to the New Location - 1

Moving the Ceremonial Pole and the 12 flags to the New Location - 2

Moving the Ceremonial Pole and the 12 flags to the New Location - 3

New Cargo and Logistics facility, under construction

New Cargo and Logistics facility, under construction

All pictures on this page copyright of Alan Light - these pictures are in the public domain