OAE's - VX-6 / VXE-6 - 1990's
Antarctic Development Squadron
Puckered Penguins - VX-6 - 1955-1968   |  VXE-6 - 1969-1999
This page - 1990's - 1960's  1970's  1980's

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 McMurdo pictures from OAE's

1961 - Larry Johnson

1963 - Ken Osicki
1970-71 - Dudley Vaughan
1972-74 - Ralph Lewis

1976-77 - Roly Hermans
1980-81 - Charlie Johnson
2007-2009 - Alan Light


Jane 'Gitch' Alstott (VXE6 - 1989, 1994) - Camarillo, California - email Six AT loadie from Oct. 1989-June1994. I hope the years have been happy for everyone, and thanks for all the good memories.

Bruce Duffer "Spicilie" (VXE6 - 1987-1992) email

LT Jim Foster, USN (1996-1999) - Den Haag, Netherlands  email   I served as a PN (PN3, then made PN2) while at VXE-6. I now serve as a Security LDO (640 designator), currently serving with the Defense Attache System, U.S. Embassy Netherlands.

Jose J Garcia (1991-1995) - Puerto Rico  email   Spent a few Herbies in the Mech Shop. Worked as a Polar Utility Crewman in the HERC's.

Colleen Griffith, AZ 1 (1989-1992 & 1996-1999 - stationed at Point Mugu, home base when not deployed with VXE-6. When on deployment with the squadron, I was either in Christchurch, NZ or at McMurdo Station, Antarctica) - St. Peter, Minnesota email   The helo side of the house is who I deployed with the most..My 1st season I was the second woman attached to helo side.

Marion M. (Hambone) Hamilton (VXE 6 1989 through 1993, Data Analyst Systems Administrator - 4 years) - Colorado United States  email  Definitely the most amazing duty station of my entire 22 year career.

Jacque Head ('90 - '93) - Grayling, MI, email  Best tour of my career. Great people, never-ending drama made for interesting stories and entertainment. Did follow-on tours to NAMI and PR "C" school; P'cola. FL, HC-5; Guam, and NAMI; NAS Miramar where I retired after 21 years of active duty. Lived in Phoenix, AZ for 8 years and currently living the single life back in my home state of Michigan. My oldest daughter Aubrey completed a tour with NSF as a Geologist; DF '11 - '12 season, mapping for satellite rendering requested by Google Earth. Proud Mom!!!

David Hilbert (NAS Cubi Point and VXE 6 DF, 92 thru 95) - Tampa FL - email  Three seasons as a Herc Loadmaster. I will always treasure my five great years in the navy, but the three spent with VXE 6 were the highlight. Never thought that my time serving on the Ice would end up being the most fulfilling job of my life. Left the Navy, graduated from LSU and hung up my flight suit to become a career banker. The pay and working hours sure got a lot better but some things are worth the sacrifice. I still get nostalgic whenever I see a C-130. Best wishes to all the OAEs out there.

Chris Hummel (VXE6 - 1993 to 1997) - Virginia Beach, Virginia. email Best tour of duty I ever had

Jason Johnson "Big J" (VXE-6 - 1996-1999) - email   Loved the time I spent on the ice. Lots of memories and made some lifelong friends.

Richard Jones "New Jack" (VXE-6 - 1994 to 1998) - email  I went to Antarctica and New Zealand. AZAN Jones. I worked with AZ2 Matt Doukas, AK2 Lisa Wharton and many more.

Chris Jung (1994-1995) - Tacoma Washington   Worked B-182, Fire Department.

Dave Justice (1992/95) - Illinois, C130 FE, retired email

J Kaehr (VXE 6 - 1990-1992) - Lynden WA -  email  Willy Field 90-92 Support Equipment

Robert Kirk (Pigmy) Hyndman (VX-6,VC-5,VXE-6,VA-95,LHA-5,VA-115 - 1963-1995) - Kingsville, Texas  email   (VX-6 1963-1967 VXE-6 1971-1975) 31years Navy. Retired AFCM in 1995.

Tony Kosloski "Ski" (DF 92-96) - Jacksonville Fl  email  

Christopher Liljenstolpe (McMurdo - 1996-1998) - San Francsico US email   Was the network engineer and Unix systems admin for the 1996-1997 winfly and summer, and the 1997-1998 full year.

Ricky Medina (1991-1995) - San Diego Ca. email  Just checking in.

William Miller "B.J." (1990-1993) - Fond du Lac, Wisconsin email I was on the Ice twice Willy Field 90-91, McMurdo 91-92 and in 92-93 I was in Christchurch. It was mostly good times with great friends. I miss you all!!

James  Archie Bunker Morris (VXE 6 - 1989-1991) - Warwick RI  email  I was a cook out at Willy Field camp

Mark Murdy (VXE 6 - 1990 to1996) Hainesport NJ - email Herc and Helo Maintenance Chief. 96 civilian with transportation. Secret Herbie taxi driver, rescue sled kite pilot, willy field bar manager and water maker. Best Navy tour and time of my life!

Debbie Olson (92/93, 94/95) - Burnsville, MN, USA  email  I was AZ3 Otto the first time and AZ3 Landreth the second time.

Brian Snyder (92 - 96) - Sonora Tx. email  First deployment on ice lived at willy field, next two lived in dirt town. Finally got to spend 4th in ChCh.

LCDR Steven L Rice  aka Riceman (VXE 6 Helos - 1991 to 1994) - Palmdale CA email  I was stationed with VXE6 in the Helo Department.  I worked in Maintenance Control night shift.    My trip to the Ice was a memorable one where gave you great insight to another world.  The Antarctic was a place that I will never forget and met some great people at McMurdo as well as Christ Church NZ.

Kita Rogowski (McMurdo - 1992) - Wisconsin, email  Heavy Shop 92-93 Heavy Shop and Supply 95-96 W/O and Summer

Todd Romi (1989 to 1993) - Calhoun / Mo. email

Lyndon Smiling (1989 - 1993) - Corpus Christi Texas. email There were good times and bad times.  Enjoyed my times in ChCh

Valerie Smith (1993-94) - Crystal River, Florida email  

This page - 1990's - 1960's  1970's  1980's

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I'm sure I did this already... every now and then I send out emails, a proportion of these bounce back as "not found", often because it was a former work email or an ISP that no longer exists, as there is no longer any way to make contact I delete the record to keep things as current as I can.