McMurdo Base - Old Antarcticans Database Project
Roly Hermans - 1976 / 1977 -
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National Science Foundation chalet and Observation Peak

Multi-denominational church - the Chapel of the Snows

Enlisted beach! The harbour at McMurdo with the resupply ships docking

Mount Erebus seen from the air, with glacier in the foreground

Emperor penguins

Movable facilities on sledges, on the ice runway

A US Navy ski-equipped Hercules

The friendly and inquisitive (but smelly) Adelie penguins

Main entry and post office at Scott Base - flying the flag of New Zealand Post

Hut 22 - the 'Kiwi ChCh Hut'

Herbie (storm) hits McMurdo

Mount Erebus looms behind McMurdo Station

A fishing hut out on the sea-ice

The car-park at McMurdo

McMurdo Station at midnight, from the slopes of Observation Peak

View from the galley loading-dock at McMurdo

Mail drop to the Coast Guard icebreaker as it approached McMurdo with the re-supply ship

Making a snowman outside the New Zealand accommodation hut at McMurdo

Roly Hermans at Scott Base with a sled-dog pup

New Zealander John Edgar (?) sitting in McMurdo City Park

A 'Weasel' at McMurdo Station

The 'Texas Twister'
Photos; copyright Roly Hermans