Signy Base - Gordon Picken - 1970's
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personnel pictures

At the Base H bar

Base and factory cove frozen in winter 1975

Base Commander Ken 1974

Base H FIDS summer 1975

Base H FIDS summer 1976

Base H FIDS winter 1976

Remains of Water Barge

Base H frozen in

Base H in summer

Base H Personnel Winter 76 - Gather for the thin ice race

Base H the bathroom

Base H the chippy shed

Base H the genny shed

Big break up of sea ice from above base spring

Boat dive coming back through thin ice late afternoon Borge Bay

Breaking Through Forming Ice to Dive

Calm blue sea Borge Bay summer

Camp on Snow Hill

Chaotic packed broken ice in Factory Cove

Chilean invasion San Martin fiasco 23rd November 1976

Base H on a Bright Winters Day

Clouds mountains sea ice winter

Cold yellow sky still frozen sea

Contre jour glazed sea ice and flying Mutt over Borge Bay

Contre jour over Borge Bay summer

Contre jour pushing Nansen sledge across sea ice

Dave Marsh at ice hole in front of Base winter 1975

Divers assembled on plan

Divers at an ice dive hole

Dive team on Nansen far out on sea ice winter

Dommie on sea ice blazing light over Mt Robin

Doug Allen and Gordon Picken after summer dive on Serolis 1976

Doug Allen on stern of Serolis after dive summer

Early spring day Factory Cove

FIDS eating in dining room

Flagpole and plan in a summer storm

Fohn cloud bank rolling down over Jane Peak col winter

Frozen coastline

Divers photographing Leopard seal on the slipway

Jon and Doug starting ice climb

Jon cutting dive hole with chainsaw

Jon in full winter gear going cross country skiing
All pictures on this page copyright of Gordon Picken